Wednesday, February 15, 2012


So all this week and the next 2 I'll be in intensive Hebrew classes (which means 4 hours a day). Unfortunately , even though I remember how to read and write from vocab sucks. But what's worse is I actually can't read without the vowels and (other than my beginner's Hebrew study book) nobody uses vowels! I wish class could be longer, but it's pretty draining and others are only learning some of the letters for the first time so at 12:30-1 ish we're done with lessons for the day. We do get homework though, which I haven't had in YEARS (it feels like). And I decided I was too cool to do my homework for the first couple days, which earned me a scolding in Hebrew and, even though I didn't understand it, the message translated.

Extra activities of the week thus far:
- Self-guided walking tour of parts of Ramla...I found a lot of falafel and palm trees
- 'Family dinner' with my group that just arrived. It can be a challenge to cook since some of our stoves are those portable table-top stoves so they aren't very accommodating, space-wise. Also, only one of us has an oven (one girl made cookies that needed to bake and we were trying to make crostini, for instance) but we couldn't figure out how to work it and the only online directions were in German or something! So we settled for baking the cookies in a toaster oven and eating the bread squishy (since we'd already drizzled them before discovering the oven dilemma).
- Another apartment in town with my program hosted a valentine's day party and decorated hard core to get everyone in the worked.
- We visited some of the places we're going to be volunteering beginning in a couple weeks. There's 2-3 each of elementary, middle, and high schools in the area which will be our morning volunteer hours. Then other options for afternoon like City Hall, soup kitchen, library, etc. Don't know yet what I'll be doing, but I think as long as I'm in elementary schools in the morning, all the afternoon options look interesting.
- Went to the shook! It's the outdoor market and Ramla has a really nice one, especially on Wednesday and Friday. Had a greatgreat falafel and some fresh juice - pomegranate, orange, and persimmon yum. And I found wasabi peas at the shook.
- We have an enrichment lesson once a week, and this week's was about the Israeli Defense Force - who goes into the army, the tests they put them through, the meaning of the different colored berets.

Ok, if I've missed anything...I'll post again soon. Tomorrow (Thursday) is the end of our work week, Friday and Saturday are the weekend, so likely going in to Tel Aviv after Hebrew tomorrow then to Allan's later in the weekend.


  1. The message translated huh? That would make hebrew the only language you listen in then. I guess I have to learn hebrew.

    It sounds like you remember a good amount from Gesher, I doubt I remember nearly that amount from Sunday school.

    This all sounds great and I could write a really long response to this, but some of it might not be appropriate and honestly I'll just message you my questions.

    I can't wait to hear/read all about Tel-aviv!! (I heard its super fun- as my cousin would say it's the city of sin (in Israel anyways)!)

  2. Juice!! FALAFEL!!! jealous. thank goddddd they had wasabi peas i was worried for you.

    (this is sasha- you could probably tell cause i only responded to the food things... but i don't know how to respond without being anonymous)

  3. wahooo. wasabi peas!!!!!!

  4. Loved your description of Hebrew. Your "extra activities" sound so interesting. I want wasabi peas.

  5. Have some wasabi peas for me. In fact, have mine. On the other hand, have your own falafel. I like them, so save one for me.
    Love, dad (following Sasha's idea of commenting on food)

  6. What's all that black stuff -- not your bikini -- all over your body? Is that from the dead sea or put on to go into the dead sea? Looks like the people in the background are just lounging around just fine. How long were you in water?
